Hell0 every0ne i am learnin h0w 2 p0st via my cell ph0ne since my pc is br0ke.This is like a test p0st s0 i h0pe it g0es thru.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, December 07, 2009
our song i love it it makes me cry! But i still love it video and lyrics
Well I know there's a reason And I know there's a rhyme We were meant to be together That's why ... We can roll with the punches We can stroll hand in hand And when I say it's forever You understand ... That you're always in my heart, You're always on my mind But when it all becomes too much, You're never far behind And there's no one that comes close to you Could ever take your place Cause only you can love me this way I could have turned a different corner I could have gone another place Then I'd of never had this feeling That I feel today, yeah.. And you're always in my heart, Always on my mind When it all becomes too much, You're never far behind And there's no one that comes close to you Could ever take your place Cause only you can love me this way Ooooh... And you're always in my heart, You're always on my mind And when it all becomes too much, you're never far behind And there's no one that comes close to you Could ever take your place Cause only you can love me this way Ooooh... Only you can love me this way.
Posted by chica40208 at 4:12 AM 3 comments
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Another update
Well I thought i would give another up date On Octavio my b/f
Well i finally got a call from him after 3 days of not hearing nothing i was very upset because when he was in Boone county jail they show on there web site when the release someone and it said he was shipped to grayson county jail and i call and checked there web site for 2 days and they kept saying he wasn't in there jail so i was loosing my mind and then on the 3rd day i woke up and checked my cell for missed calls and there was 2 so i checked voice mail and it said he was in kenosha county jail i thought to myself that don't sound like a county in Kentucky i said to my uncle who was he that sounds like a county in Wisconsin and googled it i be damned if i wasn't right yeah he is in Wisconsin so about a half in hour later he called back and they said i could not accept his phone call i had to have a credit or debt card so i had a friend take me to put money on my pre paid debt card and he called later that day and i gave them my info and we talked for about 12 Min's and he told me he was taking for Boone county jail on the 3rd of DEC and went strait to Chicago and they where full and he was sent to the closest county and they told him it could be any where from 1 week to 1 month before he goes back to Chicago and that same day he will be sent to Mexico on a air plane I'm so happy i know what they told him but now i have a new problem he called back and it said i needed to make another 25.00 deposit like oh my god what you mean to tell me they charged me $25.00 for that 12 min call we had they are a rip off i am so mad Monday i am going to call and try to talk to a supper visor because i was told there was not one on the weekend and the lady was not nice at all i am trying to get some work this week so i can get enough money for my bus ticket to Mexico and i don't know how I'm gonna do it and i need to get more Min's on the phone because he is going to call me when they are sending him to Chicago so i can leave and go ahead to Mexico and wait for him in the place where they are going to leave him so anyone know of anyone who needs a worker for a day or 2 please help if you do thanks your friend Tiffany Salas
Posted by chica40208 at 4:02 AM 1 comments
Jordan Jose My Son

Posted by chica40208 at 3:45 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
Up Date on Octavio My Boyfriend
First i want to say A very special thank you to my long time friend Nick!
You did something that you did not have to do and it means alot 2 me thanks!
OK Octavio my b/f was shipped from Jefferson county jail here in Louisville to Boone County Jail in Burlington Ky where he has been for almost 2 weeks he is awaiting IMMIGRATION to come pick him up and take him to Chicago and wait in another jail for 2 or 3 weeks then they will talk him to Mexico well the Mexican boarder Ciudad Juarez witch is 2179 kilometers that's like 1355 miles away, and it will take you non stop 21 hours to get there from where is house is in Veracruz Mexico with no money or nothing i just home he get to Mexico quick and not sit in jail for a long time so that's all i know as for the children they are a little better as for me i am finaly eating i stoped eating for 8 days and I'm trying to be strong like Octavio asked me to be but it is very very hard my plan is to try and find house work yard work or what ever i can find to make some money and go to Mexico so he can start the process on a visa so we don't have to go thru this ever agian! i will keep everyone posted thanks for reading my blog! Happy Holidays to all!
Posted by chica40208 at 9:14 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
For Mi amorcito Octavio Salas! Te amo papi!

Posted by chica40208 at 2:31 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
halloween pics of kids and octavio
Posted by chica40208 at 6:30 PM 1 comments
hello how is everyone? i hope everyone is doing well in this world sorry i have not worte much i have been doing the ebay thang and boy is it alot of work! i will be posting about once or twice a week untill i can start makeing some money its hard to make a buck these days! i am trying to put in a link to my store so if you want you can check out my store or aucton thanks
Posted by chica40208 at 3:52 PM 3 comments