Thursday, May 08, 2008

Went Fishing Agian:(

I forgot to post this or maybe I was just pissed about it!
OK well Tuesday when Erwin got home I convinced him to go fishing It was about 8pm when we finally got there he really didn't want to go so I only took my fishing pole he left his here so i baited mine up here we use shrimp for bait and casted it and waited we sit on the edge of the bank I think its called anyway the fish started jumping out of the water next to where we was siting so Erwin gets a peace of fishing line that someone has broke and left laying on the ground and puts a hook on it and bait and ties it around his finger I be damned it it wasn't 2mins he had a bite mean while i still hadn't had a nibble in total he caught 1 cat fish 1 bass & a frog with a damn string and his finger that sucked! I can't wait until Saturday I'll show him who's the boss


Unknown said...

There are reasons why I don’t go fishing.

Anonymous said...

Erwin had the luck! You'll show him. :o0 I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

chica40208 said...

what are they nick?

Daffy hehehe yes i will